Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Technical University of Denmark
Contact info
Please reach me via email: sshto(at)
- September 07-10, 2024: I attended the IEA-EBC annex 96 meeting in Lyngby, Denmark.
- September 13, 2024: Our new article titled “Incentivising and activating multi-purpose flexibility for the future power system” was published in the Danish Utility Regulator’s (DUR) second anthology on better regulation in the energy sector.
- September 04-06, 2024: I attended the SEEDS project consortium meeting and presented our algorithms and development for modeling, control and optimization of building energy systems in Bruges, Belgium.
- August 19-23, 2024: I attended the Time Series Analysis course, with a focus on modelling and forecasting in energy systems, DTU, Lyngby.
- August 06, 2024: Our new article titled “Recent Trends in Demand-Side Flexibility” got accepted for presentation in Energy Informatics.Academy Conference (EI.A).
- June 25-28, 2024: I attended the European Control Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, and gave a talk about energy flexibility, multi-level hierarchical control, and adaptive flexibility function.
- June 17, 2024: Our bachelor students, Peter Bonvang, Thomas Seifert Hegelund, and Long Van Ngo, successfully defended their project on reinforcement learning control for building thermal dynamics. I am happy as their co-advisor.
- June 10, 2024: My new article titled “Adaptive model predictive controller for building thermal dynamics” got accepted for presentation at the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) in Milan, Italy.
- May 22, 2024: My new article titled “Adaptive model predictive controller for building thermal dynamics” got accepted for publication in the IEEE Control Systems Letters (IEEE L-CSS).
- May 22, 2024: I attended the RePUP project meeting to discuss about human-in-the-loop control and fault detection methods in building contorl.
- May 21, 2024: I attended the CANSI project meeting about scalable grid architectures and digitalization for integrating flexibility.
- May 13-16, 2024: I attended the IEA-EBC annex 82 meeting in Prague, the Czech Republic, and gave a talk about energy flexibility, multi-level hierarchical control, and adaptive flexibility function.
- April 25, 2024: I gave a talk about building thermal control considering CO2 emission and PV self-consumption at the syn.ikia project meeting.
- April 24-26, 2024: Attended the syn.ikia project meeting in Barcelona, Spain.
- March 13, 2024: I gave a talk about flexibility function and its recent developments at the ARV project workshop.
- March 06, 2024: I gave a talk about flexibility functions for building thermal dynamics control at the flexibility function workshop.
- March 04, 2024: I gave a talk about flexibility function and advanced control approaches for energy management in a meeting with Prof. Thorsten Koch and his team from TU Berlin.
- February 29, 2024: My new article entitled “Adaptive flexibility function in smart energy systems: A linearized price-demand mapping approach” has been accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings of the 2024 European Control Conference (ECC).
- February 09, 2024: I gave a talk for the smart grid-ready building group (link)
- February 07, 2024: First meeting with bachelor students, Peter, Thomas, and Long, for deep reinforcement learning control project, as advisor.
- January 31, 2024: I submitted a paper on optimal price signal generation to the Smart Energy Journal.
- January 26, 2024: I developed an MPC for demand-side management to find business models related to building technology improvements by 2050, Syn.ikia project Task 4.6 (link)
- January 17, 2024: I attended the SEEDS project kick-off meeting (link)
Short biography
Shahab is a postdoctoral researcher at the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Department, at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His current research focuses on energy management systems, flexibility, building thermal dynamics, and the electricity market. His recent collaborations with Henrik Madsen and Davide Cali have led to some astonishing results in WP4 of syn.ikia and the commencement of new projects, ARV and SEEDS. Before joining DTU, Shahab received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Bilkent University, advised by Yildiray Yildiz. His previous research was on control theory, specifically, on adaptive and nonlinear control of Cyber-Physical Human Systems (CPHSs), where uncertainty, time delay, and nonlinearity affect stability.